Get on your own team

Because inner discord is miserable, but your brain can be a lovely place to live

Text 330-449-4275 if you get stuck anywhere!

Membership currently: OPEN

team you 

The default way of looking at ourselves:

  • Past you was an IDIOT

  • Present you isn't doing enough to stop being an idiot and start being awesome

  • Future you is going to be awesome (as long as "present you" can pull it together 😒)

    The reality:

  • Past you did the best with the information that you had

  • Present you is doing PLENTY

  • Future you will still have problems

    Put another way:
    I am a 50/50 human being
    I am a 50/50 human being
    I am a 50/50 human being and life is 50/50

Before your brain can be a lovely place to live, it needs to be a safe place to live, which means…

You need to have your own back.

If you don’t create safety and security for yourself, no one will.

You need to know your doors work - both opening AND locking

This means boundaries that really work to “keep the good in and the bad out.” - people are so desperately confused about boundaries but they really can get as simple as being a door! When was the last time using a door was hard? (And I beg of you if you have a funny story, do tell)

You need a certain level of cleanliness and functionality.

We’ve all picked up bad habits and “brain clutter” and old “appliances” (ie thoughts and ways of dealing with things) that might have been super useful at one time but are outdated and making it hard to get around now.

You need to keep bullies from saying unkind words inside your home.

Instead we tend to build museum exhibits with the little screen that replays what they said on repeat every half hour, along with the outfit we were wearing next to it in a little plexiglass box. Then we stop by that room whenever we want to feel devastatingly unworthy.

I'm not saying "you need" because you need one more pressure-filled “expert” telling you to MAKE THINGS HAPPEN.

I’m saying “you need” because maybe you’ve been paying attention to everyone else’s needs and maybe your own needs have had to take a seat on the sidelines.

But your needs matter and your wants matter.

What are you going to build/work towards/enjoy once you feel safe and secure in your own brain?

gather tools for Team You,

Option Zero

for anyone looking to make sure they’re getting every bit of what I write & say & share publicly

Text AHA to 330-449-4275 for my Tuesday text: a great thought to keep in your brain and a link to my favorite thing I make each week

Tools for Team You membership option 1 - for anyone looking to catch their breath, get steady on their feet, get an easy monthly group coaching option

Get on your own team.

We gather together (because we've had enough of individual "self-improvement" efforts)

We gift our presence, wisdom, and struggles (because I might have specific coaching training but you also have so much to offer!)

We assemble tools to stay on our own team, have our own backs, and make our brains our besties 💞 (because if beating ourselves up was going to work it would have worked by now)

Your presence is your gift to me. My tips, tools, and perspective shifts are my gifts to you 💕

Tools for Team You membership option 2 - for givers looking to build something or survive something 🥴

Feel good while you do good.

For people who wake up in the morning and give all day long to find and build trust in your inner voice

Healthy habits to support your physical thriving

Healthy boundaries to sustain the relationships with the people dearest to you

Healthy self-talk to create a lovely mental space to live in

Fight the fires in front of you without burning out.

Become a Tools for Team You member, whichever option, because Team You is not something I made up, it’s your everyday reality - you interact with yourself constantly and it’s the foundation for how you interact with everything else. When your self-teamwork gets more effective, everything in your life gets more functional.

Can’t wait to hang out with you!