I’m Katelyn!

Why am I passionate about coaching people who are trying to make their corner of the world a better place? Because I believe in small, local changes adding up to something big. 

I started serving at church at 16 -- if not younger with VBS and the nursery! 

My freshman year of college I jumped into a church plant with both feet

I got an education degree because I love to teach but I did not want to work in a traditional public-school setting 

Instead, I moved into 10 years of vocational ministry (and counting) - my current role is academic director within our after-school program 

Married to my second-grade sweetheart 🥺(when we got married, he was still in school and in the national guard)

Mom of a preschooler and a baby 💞 I still feel like a lost first-time parent every time my older child hits each new stage! 

We deal with sensory processing issues, anxiety, and ADHD galore at our house 😅

More about me…

  • I have many years of attending counseling under my belt - gained a lot of freedom from shame and anxiety 🙌 Enneagram 9, so my default is to avoid conflict like it's going to kill me -- but I have grown so far past that default! God is good!

  • I have a long history of being late, double booked, having the most disorganized office, being behind and over ambitious 🤪 Coaching is one of the first things that has actually helped me get to the root of all those behaviors! My favorite emoji is 🤪 - I have frequently described myself as a hot mess mom, but now I'm moving towards thinking of myself as happily human

  • Jesus has absolutely changed my life and continues to lead and love me, BUT you do not have to be a person of faith, or the same faith as me, to participate in thought coaching. Thought coaching is based on love and free will, which I find most people agree with in principle and then we work towards applying in practice 😉 Easier said than done. I incorporate verses or stories from the Bible when it would be meaningful to the person being coached, but if not, then I don't! Coaching is all about finding what works for YOUR brain and belief system.

I am passionate about coaching!!