Stop Spinning

29 min of video.

4 pages to read.

Infinite applications… ⚡

  • You get the phone call. They make an offhand comment. You’re faced with a mountainous to-do list. Obviously your brain starts spinning! The Drama Destroyer is your first defense to stop spinning immediately, even with limited time and brain space.

  • This is not toxic positivity where we ignore our feelings and pretend they don’t actually run our lives. This is respectful recognition of their power as we link them to their source and give them a name.

  • Lots of times when we're spinning we wish there were forward motion. Sometimes a little forward motion would go a long way - like with a tricky relationship, a mountain of tasks, a long-hoped for goal, etc - if only you could force yourself to feel like it 😥 No force necessary, we can find out what the keys are to drive that car instead of having to push it!

  • All together, these are the step-by-step items that will make you a master at the self-coaching model by Brooke Castillo. If you've gotten coached by me and you liked "those 5 words on the paper" or "the circumstances chart thing" - this is it, and it's the key to stopping spinning and getting going on the things that are important to you.

  • You can always bring your work to a coaching session, but you can also post it in the Facebook group for Gifty Gathering and Doing over Drowning members if you want to workshop it or share it. This course is included with those memberships or you can buy it separately for $24