Nourishing Luxuries

Practicum & Community (currently not available but feel free to apply and I’ll consider you on the waitlist)

What the heck is a Nourishing Luxury? Or a practicum?

What new habit would make you feel incredibly

💆 luxuriously 💆 cared for?

But it seems like nothing but a fantastical luxury, a magical habit that fancy Instagram people or millionaires have, but definitely not someone like you, with your life.

Is it an earlier bedtime? The eating habits of your dreams? A specific spiritual discipline that sounds like water for your soul but unfortunately the desert stretches on forever? The exercise habits that would set up your brain and body for grounded wellness?

Maybe it's a parenting habit that you just don't feel strong enough to implement but you see the need for it but it's not so bad muddling along without them ever ________ (cleaning up after themselves, going to sleep without you, getting potty trained 🙄😖)

It is 100% possible* to bring this luxury into your real life. Baby steps. Let’s do it.

*Also there are terrible systemic inequalities & challenges that affect the majority of people, some more than others, but I believe that an increase of happiness and peace are available to everyone in some measure! Skills do make a difference even in the face of systems stacked against.


Quick reminder, you are a perfectly worthy person, even if you NEVER manage to start this awesome Instagram worthy habit.

Quick reminder, I started by asking you what habit would make you feel luxuriously well cared for - never able to grovel in victim mode, feeling hard done by, ever again because you KNOW you have your own back because every day you wake up and ___________.

Quick reminder, I don't do the kind of coaching where I give you lots of answers. I'll teach you how to watch your own brain and sort out what's going on and stop judging yourself, but you probably already have a plan in mind, there's just something blocking you from making it work. If this beautiful habit is meant for you, I believe that block will move eventually whether you ever work with me or not.

But it's so much more fun to do it

to 👏 geth 👏 er👏!!

Cultivate the thoughts, feelings, and actions that will build the habit you want in real time

We start July 31st

(but Doing//Drowning is happening in July. And I’m flexible :)

Oh and we do this in a community not because our worth is only found in what we do for others but because we do exist within ecosystems.

Therefore, what nourishing and luxurious
spaces and
graces and
places and
rituals and
routines do you want to nurture for the people around you?

Who needs to be held by soothing rhythms and predictable joys? What are the ways that you have the immense power and potential to create those safe lil hammock rituals for people to fall into and relax?

This is so much more than habit mastery.

Building trust with yourself that you CAN follow through with kindness will overflow from what YOU can do for YOU into what WE can do for US.

And this is why there is a shared coaching call once a week - you're not 5 years old with no experience in self-regulation. You are a fully grown adult with wisdom and learning that you've gathered that will benefit and enrich others if you're willing and able to share it.

(And it's always an option to catch the recording or sit and listen - listening is an extremely valuable asset to a group. We all have a deep desire to be seen and known.)

So here are your options

They all come with…

The "If you want to go far, go together" basis for all packages

One free month of the Doing over Drowning VIP group (4 weekly shared coaching calls + access to more archives than you have time to listen to in a month and the "Stop Drowning (in the life you love)" course)

You have to pick ONE habit and we meet once for 30ish mins to pick it, establish why you want it, and what your plan is

This is included for free with the purchase of the options below or available separately for $34.

Dates TBD but I default to Wednesdays at 8:30pm ET.

OK with no further ado…

  • One month of text support -- text me anytime, responses at (more or less!) 9am ET and 8 pm ET | Mon, Tues, Weds, Thurs, Saturday | 1:30pm ET Tues & Saturday

    Dates TBD but about 20 days over 4-5 weeks


  • Four 20 minute private calls at your convenience (usually $196)

    Poke holes in the beliefs that are holding you back with tiny tweaks

    Dates: within the month of August, once a week or take a week off and double up!


    (no text support, can add on the "bring me along" text support for $40)

  • You text me whenever Monday-Saturday, I respond within an hour max.

    Four 45 minute calls in the month of August, two follow up 20 minute calls in September

    Access to doing/drowning August + September

    Lifetime access to Stop Drowning.

    1 spot available.


Application only - Text me or email me 1. What habit would nourish your soul 2. What has been ONE challenge to making that habit happen 3. Your name 4. Which package you’re interested in :) 5, if it’s one of the coaching packages, what time zone are you in/a day or time that might work for us to meet?

330-449-4275 OR

I am open to tiered pricing and adjusting offers depending on your situation.

Last but very very very not least, please do not join this out of FOMO, anxiety, or a feeling of insufficiency that “can only be fixed by joining a program.”

But I would love to have you join if you feel hope, excitement, or a feeling of being done with NOT nourishing yourself.

This is an entirely new thing but here’s what people have said about my other stuff:

  • Being a part of Doing over Drowning has been so helpful to me in becoming more aware of my thoughts and how they might be holding me back from doing what I really want to do. Often what keeps me from "doing" is the fear of being overwhelmed with it and feeling like it's all too much! But I'm learning that there is a way to be compassionate to myself in the process of being compassionate to others--and that allows me to actually accomplish things that are important to me!

    4+ month Doing over Drowning member

  • Kate, I appreciated how relaxed and thought provoking you made this session. It allowed me to find the primary thought about the circumstance and focus on the resulting feeling and how to slowly adjust both thoughts and feeling in a more positive direction.

    Laura F-D, review of a 20 minute session

  • My favorite thing that I have learned from reading what you coach about is to rest without guilt. I've become so much better at listening to my body. I did a couple of errands this morning and four loads of laundry washed dried and folded and put away and I've made sure that I have eaten when I felt hungry but when I felt tired I laid down on the couch with a blanket and actually slept for a while. I knew I'd be in a better place to continue doing the things I want to do if I was well rested. I can't put a price on that.

    Social media follower, I have never coached this person, this is purely from all my Instagram/facebook posts

  • I really liked the beginning of the session about the guilt, the obstacles, and the ideas for how to feel your feelings instead of numbing were really great!