Motherhood affects every single part of your life, thinking, and identity in a way few things do.

It also comes with a long set of expectations that we put on ourselves or feel from others. 

It can all feel heavy, burdensome, and complicated, and then we feel guilty for not just enjoying it 🤦‍♀️

But it is totally possible to approach motherhood with freedom and confidence. 

  • Mom guilt

  • Conflicting advice

  • A million decisions

  • Trial and error

  • Tantrums and tears (in the most embarrassing places)

  • Hearing "mom" so many times you could pull your hair out

  • Comparison

  • Constant tiny irritations

  • Trying to organize your time when kids are so unpredictable

  • Co-parenting struggles

  • Self-doubt

There are so many tools that I'm so excited for you to try!

"Am I feeding them the right things?"

"Are we doing the right amount of extracurriculars?"

"We should eat dinner as a family"

"If one more person asks for one more thing I'm going to burst into flames"

"I wish I could go out by myself -- but I shouldn't wish that"

"Good moms don't _______ so I really need to stop that"

"I should keep the toys organized better"

"I should make the kids clean up after themselves better"

"I wish their dad would just get with the program already"

All of it is figureoutable, I promise