Make your brain a

lovely place to live

When you turn your attention to that one coworker and it feels like opening a horrible junky closet - brain junk.

When you just can't seem to get around to that one project you honest to God DO want to do you just "don't have time" - that's a pile of files of brain junk right there.

When you can't seem to get through the day without losing it on your kids - brain junk is what you're stubbing your figurative toe on.

When you're trying to stay positive but not getting positive results - your cleaning products are laced with toxic positivity and you need to dig open that Monica closet instead of just repainting the door for the 5th time honey!!

When your most common emotions are resentful, overwhelmed, and anxious - yeah those are the dust and cobwebs overlaying your untouched brain junk.

When you find yourself scrolling and eating and Netflixing "too much" AGAIN - it's because there's so much brain junk you don't know where to start, so it's easier just to shut yourself in the den and ignore it all.

I declare: decluttering time!!

I never thought I’d run a makeover themed event because I'm all for remembering that self-improvement can easily become a god, you're loveable just as you are, and transformation happens in the long run...


but let's dive into the TV trope of transformation in a week because have you seen how fast the leaves are growing on the trees?? Change CAN happen fast and I think you're ready to grow baby grow!!

It's time to clean out the drawers stuffed with resentment and self-judgment so you can find your creative problem solving tools and stop feeling so stuck.

Because your creativity - nay, ingenuity! - is still hiding in there.

It's time to address the relationships where you're dressing emotionally-frumpy so you can show up as your vibrant true self, comfortable in your own skin.

Because you’ve got your own back 💃

It's time to clear off your table of "projects I'll get around to someday" so you actually can do them without all the drama-clutter getting in your way - whether it's finally making money in your network marketing endeavors, finally getting around to potty training, making art, or literal house decluttering.

Because doing feels better than avoiding.

I’ve been watching Queer Eye and I’ve noticed…

Most Queer Eye episodes have the same premise: person who is awesome and gives so much and/or is accomplishing great ambitions has forgotten to take care of themselves and needs to realize they were loveable and amazing the whole time!!

It's not that the heroes are better people by the end of the week, it's that they feel better in their own skin and in their spaces.

It's just a bit easier to feel you're worthy after spending the time on yourself to prove it.

That's the kind of makeover we’re after here.

“Yeah but if I knew how to carve out time for myself I would be doing it already, duh! I'm busy giving and working and uhh I have life stuff going on”

Psst let me tell you a secret: it's not actually the amount of time you painstakingly carve out, it's about committing to caring for yourself.

And I make it so easy: everything is designed to be done on the go, with nothing but your phone - even the challenges.

  • Listen to recordings of coaching calls right on the member site or in your favorite podcast app

  • Identify emotions that feel unwieldy, sentences in your brain you don't want to believe anymore, and sentences you DO want to believe (I can help refine those). No need to fill out a worksheet, just jot it down on your phone as you listen or as things occur to you!

  • One is Karamo style to get connected to all the love around you, one is Tan France clothing relationships makeover, and one is Bobby style - intentional decorative emotional choices for your brain :)

  • At some point, share with the group: you can write your own makeover show style intro, you can share how the challenges went, you can share your emotions or sentences you identified in step 2

How do I know if my

brainspace is cluttered?

I mean... Does it feel cluttered? Are you tripping on the same things over and over? Does it feel fuzzy hazy dusty spinny or cozy, clear, comfy? Are you mostly stressed out when you look around (must stop being so irritated with that one mom at school! Must zone out on my phone because this is all just too much!) or do you like what you see? Which picture on this page would you say is your brain? 👀😅

How much does it cost?

There are 2 options to buy, so it's your first chance to practice trusting your gut like you're trying on an outfit - which one is your style?

Either way, you'll have access to coaching calls on April 26&29 at 8:45pm, access to the audio podcast way to listen to recordings of 11ish coaching calls, the ability to get questions answered and coaching in the Facebook group, and the Stop Spinning micro course.

Doing over Drowning members also get access to the much more detailed Stop Drowning course and the ability to be coached over text during the event and 1x/mo afterwards.

$25 one time payment

Subscriptions stress me out and I just want to do this one event!

You'll have access from purchase until May 4 and you'll get a coupon at the end for $25 off an annual subscription to Doing over Drowning should you wish to stick around via that method

Podcast audio only for recordings of coaching calls

$34 recurring monthly

I've been meaning to join Doing over Drowning, I want near weekly chances to be coached to help keep my head above water, I want text coaching during the event and 1 day per month after

Are you ready to come with me to make over your brain space?

Will you try on the thoughts that I put together for you?

Are you willing to throw out long-held beliefs that are getting in the way of your brain space being a lovely place to live?