join the gentlest revolution you’ve ever seen

because it’s revolutionary to make changes without beating yourself up

Get on your own team.

This is like those Facebook Buy Nothing groups where neighbors gather to to trade trash for treasure and make their houses more functional in the process ;)

Your brain drama might feel like trash you need to clear out, and in the process of getting coached, the insights you gain will be treasures for everyone dealing with the same kind of clutter!

Your presence is your gift to me. My tips, tools, and perspective shifts are my gifts to you 💕

gg details

  • Post in the Facebook group or ask in person on our once-monthly FAQs/coaching call

  • Gifty Gathering members get exclusive access to listen to recording of coaching from both the monthly Gifty Gathering calls and the near-weekly Doing over Drowning calls in the convenience of your podcast app

  • It’s only $5 per month, cancel anytime.

  • You never have to get private coaching to make progress because you can learn so much from hearing how other people’s brains work (very much like yours), but if you want to talk about something with fewer eyes on you, it’s there for you at 30% off

Gifty Gathering Core Four
Self coaching
Honesty with self
Listening to your inner voice
Catching toxic positivity aka lying to your brain
Owning your desires and passions (larger scale)

Intentional choices (in the day to day)
What do I want to think
What do I want to feel
What do I want to do

Doing the thing
I can trust myself to not beat me up
I can trust myself to roll with the punches
My past self was for real doing her best

What I say matters
What I want matters
My past self is not an idiot for deciding what I'm supposed to be doing, even if I don't like how it feels right now

What does this look like in real life?

Come hang out! your presence is a gift, your brain drama is a gift, and you deserve an easy way to fill your cup.