Working with people is a special set of joy and pain.

Working as a teacher, nurse, social worker, mental health professional, person in ministry, or associated positions like administrators and classroom support already came with many under/over problems before 2020:

  • Understaffed

  • Overworked

  • Under resourced

  • Underpaid

And then there was a pandemic ๐Ÿ™ƒ

Working with people became extra complicated and limited resources were stretched even thinner. Even as things return to "normal," our brains are still functioning differently than before such a long-term, deeply impactful event.

You might feel trapped or stuck but I would love to explore the ways you do have agency (no pun intended, social workers ๐Ÿ˜) and options.

I feel strongly that the work that you do is some of the most important work anyone can do, and I am passionate about supporting you. The people you work with deserve the best you have to offer but beyond that, you deserve to feel your best and function in integrity with yourself.

Functioning in scarcity takes a mental toll. Teaching, social work, healthcare, ministry, and mental health have common themes:

  • Never enough time

  • Never enough money

  • Never enough energy

but I would love to help you explore the possibility of abundance - in your personal life and at work. (Yes, if needed, I can help you reclaim a personal life too! ๐Ÿ’•)