This agreement is between Katelyn Coaches, LLC (“the Coach”) and you (The Client). The date of the agreement is the date you check a box saying you’ve read and agree to these terms.

Scope of relationship

The Coach is only one type of professional: a coach. The relationship is a coach-client relationship and no other professional relationship has been established, either expressly or implied.

Clients are solely responsible for the decisions and choices they make and any consequences of those decisions and choices. The client is free to accept or reject any suggestions or directions made by the Coach. Any suggestions or techniques may be disregarded or discontinued if they're not a good fit or for any reason the Client feels is appropriate for the Client’s situation. The Coach shall not be liable to the Client for the consequences of any actions made by  the Client.  The client  accepts full responsibility for all decisions and courses of action.

*Limitations of Relationship: You, as Client, agree and acknowledge that while many topics may be the subject of our Sessions, the Coach is not a licensed investment advisor, real estate agent, accountant, finance, health professional, legal professional or any other type of professional other than a life coach. If the client is working with a therapist, counselor, other licensed mental health or any other professional of any kind, it will be your responsibility to  notify and consult with these professional(s) of your decision to work with a coach.  Any advice made by the Coach should be reviewed in conjunction with the other professionals with whom the client is consulting.


The Coach will make every effort to maintain the confidentiality of both private and shared Sessions. The Client is aware, however, that the Coach is not legally bound by any confidentiality law such as HIPPA or FERPA. The Coach encourages complete transparency to the extent the Client desires and the Coach encourages any questions that help the Client feel sessions are a safe space for sharing. The Coach commits to the privacy of the contents of the Sessions and to the fact of the Coaching relationship to the extent that the client maintains that privacy in public (whether “in public” is in real life or if we're in the same spaces online.).  This means I won’t talk about being your coach or our sessions in public unless you do first.

The Coach reserves the right to record, copy or keep a record of any communications with The Client.

Any comment, feedback, or review written in a text, email, or social media comment or DM may be used by me without your name, profile picture, or other identifying information. I will ask your consent if I'd like to include any identifying information or add your name and picture.


Life happens, but let’s be respectful of each others’ time

Coaching sessions may be rescheduled one time at no additional cost if The Client communicates the need to reschedule the appointment within 12 hours after the time it was originally scheduled. Otherwise, the session will be counted as if it occurred.


Your limited license

The materials that The Coach gives to The Client are subject to copyright and are intended solely for the Client’s personal use.  They may not be shared, copied, distributed or plagiarized in any way without the express written consent of The Coach.

Private session packages

Private session coaching packages are sold as whole packages and cannot be altered or partially completed in any way. If you are enrolled in continuing Coaching for a number of sessions, unused sessions due to quitting the program may not be eligible for refund, credit or transfer.

Suspending Membership

You may cancel your subscription to the Freebie Group, Gifty Gathering, or Doing over Drowning at any time simply by logging into your Podia account and cancelling your “community plan” under “settings.”

Coaching Calls

Calls with your Coach during your membership are at the Client’s expense and initiated by the Client.


Coaching sessions are charged as listed at Payment required at time of booking. No refunds unless required by law.

Program Changes

The Coach reserves the right to change, modify or cancel any programs and these terms as considered necessary.

Agreement Section

By entering into a Coaching Agreement either through signing a Coaching Agreement with Katelyn Coaches, LLC, scheduling a session with Katelyn Coaches, LLC, or paying any amount to Katelyn Coaches, LLC, you agree to abide by the terms and conditions as set out above and indicate that you are at least 18 years old.