Fight the fires in front of you without burning out

You wake up in the morning and you give all day long. You want to feel good while you do good. You’re in the right place.

You have a big heart, big dreams, and/or some big needs that you’re giving to.

Thought coaching can make all the ways you give more effective and

more enjoyable

Because of course it’s not always enjoyable! But…

  • You don’t have to quit your job to quit the overwhelm

  • You don’t have to quit your kids to keep your cool

  • You can exit your burnout but stay in your ministry 

  • You can keep your people but opt out of their drama

You truly believe that your role is changing the world for the better

  • You're in the business of meeting needs and taking care of your people - a family, a community, a team that you LOVE

  • You are committed to your personal growth and the growth of those around you

  • You might need some better boundaries because you’re just so dang tired…

and sometimes you think you might have to give up because it’s all such a hot mess

Working with people is an endurance sport, and you need a coach. 

I’m Katelyn and I believe that you can be a giver WITHOUT being consumed by mess, stress, or resentment.

Which one of these is part of your mess?

  • Never enough time, always too many to-do list items

  • Of course you don’t mind doing all this!! …Until you snap at someone for not doing their fair share or trying to pile on one more thing

  • Lots of saying yes even when you’re not sure, pressure to not let anyone down, constantly on the lookout to prevent problems before they start

  • Can’t do what you really want to do, can’t say no so you have to follow through, and if you don’t keep up on putting out these fires who will?? Quitting isn’t really even an option…

  • Maybe it’s all the time, maybe just sometimes it creeps up on you that you’re not enough and eventually it’s all going to fall apart anyway

Which one of these do you want even just a ✨sprinkle✨ more of?

  • Looking at your to-do list makes you feel calm and confident

  • You know exactly when to say no, your life is exactly as full as you want it to be

  • In tune with your own heart/gut/logic/Higher Power, know your own voice and own desires

  • You know exactly where you’re headed, and you know where to find the tools to get there so you never have to be stuck again

  • No longer scared of failure, celebrating each accomplishment and each step on the journey, seeing the results you dreamed of along the way

Just like fish can't see the water they swim in, our thoughts are the nearly invisible backdrop to our whole human experience. 

Thought coaching has the power to completely transform that experience by providing

  • short term relief by fighting the fires in front of you (ie what do I do about ____ —> I have a plan!)

  • long term skills to persevere and pivot (do I quit? do I keep going?)

  • a brain that is a nice place to live, no matter what’s going on around you (She can think whatever she wants to think about me)

  • awareness of the thoughts you’re swimming in - kind of like a water quality test 😅

  • increased intentionality and decreased reactivity by getting familiar with thought patterns and choosing them on purpose

  • higher-quality thinking for a higher-quality life (“I never have enough time! —> I have time for what’s important to me”)

  • half as much stress & self-judgment, twice as much peace & kindness

  • no more toxic positivity trying to believe mantras that just discourage you with how far they are from the truth - every coaching session provides a thought to hang onto that’s tailored to your situation and brain

Are you ready for a change?

You don't have to let resentment build up until you snap. You don't have to serve out of fear that no one will like you or think that you're a bad person. You don't have to do what everyone else says just to be nice. It is possible to be kind and have boundaries and I can show you how

Feel good while you do good

  • Coaching allowed me to move forward when I had been stuck for months. Katelyn gently guides you in figuring out how your thoughts are guiding your actions and how we can change those thoughts to move toward the outcome we desire.

    Danielle B.

  • Thought coaching has helped me so much to see my thoughts in a new way and be able to explore other things I might be missing. Katelyn was able to quickly grasp where I was in my thinking, understand me, and offer an unbiased observation of what my brain was doing. Then she helped me see what else might be true in that situation...and how to offer myself compassion so that I didn't just beat myself up about it, but I could actually think something new! It's such a powerful tool!

    Melissa Y.

  • I appreciated how relaxed and thought provoking Kate made my session. It allowed me to find the primary thought about the circumstance and focus on the resulting feeling and how to slowly adjust both thoughts and feeling in a more positive direction.

    Laura F-D